
Vim-Mahewin-Repository comes with plugins and are configured to most. Each configuration options can be overridden in the configuration file vimrc.local.


Syntastic is a awesome plugin to check syntax displays any resulting errors.

Symbol style

When errors or warnings a symbol is displayed on the side of the line. Vim-Mahewin-Repository provides custom style for syntastic_error_symbol ✗, for syntastic_style_error_symbol S✗, for syntastic_warning_symbol ⚠, and for syntastic_style_warning_symbol S⚠.

Active file

Currently Vim-Mahewin-Repository check the syntax automatically at the opening and closing and saving files for Perl, Python, and C language.

Passive file

To check syntax of PHP file you need explicitly call SyntasticCheck command.


To see information about the current file you can call SyntasticInfo command.


Vundle is a Vim plugin manager.


To update plugins it’s possible to use :BundleInstall! or keymap <leader>vu.


Tagbar is a Vim plugin for browsing the tags of source code files. It provides a sidebar that displays the ctags, need install exuberant-ctags, use F9 to toggle the tagbar window.


The NERD tree allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and directories. Use F11 to display the tree and q to quit the tree.

Fortune vimtips

Fortune vimtips is a project inspired by fortune software to display vimtips. Open a new horizontal split buffer to display the vimtips.

Display in a new window

By default it’s display in a message, but it’s be possible to display in a new buffer:

let g:fortune_vimtips_display_in_window = 0

Be display in a new vertical split.

Disable auto display

Activate by default it’s obvious to disable auto display, to deactivate the auto display add this line on your .vimrc.local:

let g:fortune_vimtips_auto_display = 0

Then it’s possible to display vimtips with the command:


When you want learn few new things about vim.

Custom plugin


To install plugins that are not provided by Vim-Mahewin-Repository it is possible to create a file call .bundle.local in the user directory:

Bundle 'benmills/vimux'

After adding the line, it must run the command :BundleInstall that all. But if you find an interesting plugin do enjoy the community and made a pull request.


To uninstall a custom plugin, remove the line of the file and run the command :BundleClean to remove the plugin of .vim directory.